A Busy Bookish April

I’m doing some April events and invite you to come!

Friday, April 5, 6-9pm. Cornerstone Press Gala. I’m a Cornerstone Press author and will be helping them celebrate 40 years of publishing. The event is free, but they request a “ticket” purchase, so they’ll know how many people plan to attend.

Friday, April 12, 7-9pm. Caravan Wine Shop will be hosting a Wilde Wagers event. I’ll do a short reading, we’ll discuss the book (those who have read it), and you can buy the book (if you haven’t read it). Most importantly, Keith will have some ratafia, a beverage ordered by Genevieve when she is trying to be Olivia. What is ratafia? What does it taste like? Come and learn all about this interesting beverage (and my book).

Saturday, April 27, 10am – 6pm. (My assigned time is 10am-noon) Bound to Happen Books‘ Local Author Festival. Local authors will be at this bookstore, selling, talking, signing, and maybe more? Stop by and learn about writers in the community.